Written By Lisa Giamarino
LED light therapy is a non-invasive, non-thermal light treatment that uses your own cell process to help repair the skin. Different wavelengths of visible light spectrum correspond to different colors of LED and penetrate at different depths. Each has its own benefits.
Blue light treats acne, as it has an anti-bacterial property. Red light promotes collagen production and reduces fine lines, regulates oil production and even helps with rosacea. Near-infrared light is the deepest penetrating wavelength which increases cell permeability and reduces fine lines and wrinkles
When using the light consistently (say 4-5 times per week), you will begin to see a difference – a big difference. The light works by penetrating the skin at different levels and helps repair the cells that need light to regenerate. It accelerates circulation, and tissue repair. I have seen a difference in my texture, and fine lines, however, I do use it at least 5 days a week. Consistency is key.
If you have acne, this treatment is a must-have. Blue LED light is most often used to treat acne. It may do this by reducing activity in the sebaceous glands, so they produce less of the oil that can plug the hair follicles, leading to acne.
According to Dr. Melissa Heller, and assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School, “the long-term safety of these light therapies remains uncertain.” So, you must always inform yourself before trying any at-home treatment with these lights.
Some of my favorite at home devices range in price. I highly recommend regular use of an LED apparatus at home. Some of the units I recommend are: LightStim hand-held units, Celluma, and the Deesse Pro Mask by Shani Darden. Please always be sure to wear protective eye wear. Depending on the unit, treatments times vary, but in general, expect to spend 30 minutes. I simply plug mine in, sit back and relax.
3641 10th St N Suite B, Naples, FL 34103